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Menopause Quiz



  • Have not had a period for 12 months or longer.

  • Periods are lighter, less often, and last a few days.

  • Age of 45 years or older

  • Intercourse is painful.

  • Memory problems and brain fog occur.

  • Skin is dry and wrinkled.

  • Not sleeping well.

  • Feeling anxious, irritable and tire easily.

  • Don’t have a desire for sex.

  • Vaginal dryness.

  • Increase in vaginal infections.

  • Leaking urine.

  • Gained weight.

  • Hot flashes during the day.

  • Night sweats.

  • Hair loss at hair line.



If you think that you are in menopause, it is time to have a new look at your life. Look at menopause as a beginning rather than an end. Try things that you have always wanted to do but had no time for when you were raising young children and building your career.


  1. See your Physician to determine if you are in menopause along with hormonal blood tests.

  2. Ask your Physician for a dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan to check your bone density. DEXA is the gold standard for determining osteoporosis.

  3. Address any underlying thyroid and adrenal imbalance or gut dysbiosis like Candida albicans and be sure to cleanse and support the function of the liver and colon. This can be done with your Natural Health Practitioner.

  4. Eat a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and kale).

  5. Reduce the stress in your life. Have a massage at least once a month. Start looking after yourself. Do one thing you love to do at least once a day. Tell your loved ones you need “extra” love, attention and help. It is OK to ask.

Be proactive with your health at this time. Support your body before symptoms worsen. Your body is going through transition. If supported early, symptoms can be reversed. If NOT supported early, symptoms will be much more challenging to reverse. The hormones need balancing, liver needs to be cleansed and the neurotransmitters in the brain need to be modulated for mood.

Think about preventing breast, uterine and ovarian cancer.


These tests are not intended to replace medical care. See your Physician.

This information is only educational for you to learn about your body and to take responsibility for your health.

See Disclaimer below.

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